Empowering women and girls in communities to socially and economically pursue their life goals

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With Irise Institute East Africa

Our Core Values

Innovation, partnership collaboration, and leadership development.

Gender equality through advocating for positive change in policy and practice.

Evidence based programming through consistent research.

Driven by Passion.

Integrity, and accountability in all activities and implemented projects.

Equality, Rights and Dignity.

Our operations are national and was established by young women, for young women in response to the often-invisible challenges they face because of period poverty and shame, that ultimately led them to missing out on education, productive economic opportunities and life quality because unmet needs.IIEA focuses on the root cause of period inequality, the negative norms that surround being female that limit the lives of girls and women, perpetuating a cycle of exclusion.


Irise Institute East Africa's Theory of change

When girls have access to correct MHE & products, they will actively engage in leadership conversations with boldness and confidence without feeling inadequate. This addresses period poverty and have a collective enhanced agency in decision making voice. When young women lead and draw national and global agendas that shape their well -being, issues of gender equality through policy advocacy begin to be addressed and women empowerment takes effect. Thus interventions and programmes are tailored to specific challenges faced by women and girls.

IIEA is currently being implemented in 5 districts directly; Jinja, Kabale, Kumi, Rukiga, and Soroti and through the TPEN partners Kyenjonjo, Kasese, Kabarole, Kampala, Wakiso, Isingiro –Nakivale camp and Mpigi districts.

IIEA uses a combination of tested implementation models and strategies which include; community readiness to change model through community champions, peer led sessions for in-school programs, school and community out reaches, advocacy and social media campaigns and network TPEN engagements


I would like to express my appreciation to IIEA and her partner for their support of our school, particularly the girl children. Ever since IIEA started her intervention in this school, there has been increased school enrolment as parents bring their children because they have seen the change and impact of the project on girls who are already in school. Thank you for the scholastic materials because there has been a lot of absenteeism among pupils/girls due to a lack of scholastic materials. Concentrating in class will result in higher attendance and better performance for the girls.
Kirenda Milly
Headteacher, Butangala Primary School.
Being part of this project has not only enhanced the capicity of our staff volunteers but also facilitated the implementation of the CONFIDENCE GAP program that we implemented in Kigezu sub-region
Maurine Tukahirwa
Girls Must Uganda
I am so excited about receiving the scholastic materials. Previously, I would miss class whenever a math teacher came to class because he could send me out to look for a set. This is my first time owning a mathematical set, and I am eternally grateful to God for giving me such a blessing
Goretti Mutesi
a 15 year old in P.6 at Kyomya primary school.
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Primary school girls received reusable pad kits.
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Succesful projects
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Community engagements -People engaged during door to door outreach
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Girls reached with Menstrual Health education sessions
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Irise Institute East Africa

Empowering individuals, particularly girls and women, by providing them with knowledge, skills, and resources related to menstrual health.

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